Above And Beyond
Just over 48 hours after it’s launch, Night Of The Undead is now the #1 most popular custom game. This is an incredbile milestone and achievement to hit and we cannot thank you all enough.
The journey to making this experience, pushing the boundaries of what forge is capable of and releasing it has been amazing. Alot of time, effort and dedication went into this project and we are SO glad to see the community show their support and we’re glad they all enjoy it!

14 Active Lobbies
We were extremely shocked and happy to see that there was a staggering 14 active lobbies playing Night Of The Undead at around 9pm GMT on the 31st, these are some insane numbers.

We expected this to hit 1000 plays in its first week, it currently sits at 6,500 just over 48 hours after launch. It is now tracking to hit 10,000 by Friday and 13,000 by Sunday. Hitting 10,000 plays in just over 5 days is a record breaker for us.
Forsaken was a major success for us and that went on to get 10,000 plays in it’s first 2 months. So now you see why Night Of The Undead will be a MASSIVE record breaker for us. If it hits 13,000 by Sunday, this means it would have got more plays in it’s first week then Forsaken has gotten in it’s first five and a half months. INSANE, so thank you all and we hope you continue to enjoy this experience for a long time!
Nice! Good job yall deserve it!
Nice pictures btw 😉
Thanks dude, and thanks for the incredible screenshots!
Appreciate the support you’ve shown so far!
This is only the beginning! Love the work that went to this project, and this feels like a proper PvE experience that the community was looking for.
You right, this is only the beginning, I cannot wait to get to work with the team on more projects.
We hope Night Of The Undead can keep the community engaged and happy until official PvE comes out